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bad news, emily!

Monday, June 12, 2006

NC Consolation

I have a hard time with the nasty heat and humidity that characterizes the North Carolina summers. June-October can be quite miserable at times - August and September being the most dreaded.
However, there is a silver lining, and it's the cloud itself .

I LOVE thunderstorms.

I absolutely love them!

And I had never experienced so many wonderfully exciting storms until I lived here in NC. The booming thunder, the flashes of lightning, the heavy raindrops gushing from the sky.
Just last night we saw a terrific storm. I woke up multiple times during the night to thunder and flashes of light. It wasn't the rumbling sort of thunder, but it was sharp booms that sounded like explosions in the distance. The lightning wasn't in bolts that I could see, but it lit up the sky in a wide burst of light. It was beautiful and yet almost frightening. I wondered, in my sleepiness, if this is what it's like to live near a war zone. Explosions of sound and blinding flashes of light on the horizon.
Nature is a powerful thing.

These storms are one of my most favorite things about North Carolina.


At 6/14/2006 12:39 PM, Blogger Ceeece! said...

My other car is a Thundercloud.


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