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bad news, emily!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I totally called it!

(Warning: "24" season finale spoilers)

All season long I've been wondering how they're going to end the season - what cliff-hanger will drive us all crazy until the next season begins in January 2007. I know, I know, it's silly to think that far ahead when the plot twists and turns every hour.

But I TOTALLY called it: the Chinese catch up to Jack. The whole reason Jack "disappeared" at the end of season 4 was because he killed the Chinese consulate and Cheng was going to kill him. That plot line had to come back around. I was almost surprised that they didn't make an appearance until the end of the "day", but I guess there were half a dozen other plot lines that had to be taken care of.
But what about the dudes sitting in the comfy chairs drinking scotch and talking to the jerk president on their little ear pieces? There was zero resolution with them.

Season 6 = the Chinese and the dudes with the ear pieces join together to make it the 6th worst day of Jack Bauer's life. Sheesh - he's already asking them to kill him.

Post script: Bad ass Agent Pierce ranks second only to Jack.


At 5/24/2006 8:36 AM, Blogger Kristinmichelle said...

You and JGlass have me wanting to watch all the seasons that I have missed and catch up in time for next season!


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