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bad news, emily!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Reading While Walking

The Reading Walker
The Walking Reader.
I like reading while I'm walking. It's just so darn efficient. I suppose practice over the years has helped me minimize potential stumbling (read: pain and embarrassment). Whenever I chose to, or found myself with no choice but to, walk home from high school I had a good hour's time to pass on the long stretch of sidewalk with a good book. Thank God for the clicking of bike chains - I can't count how many times they have saved me from getting mowed down.

It continues to fascinate me how our brains can effectively complete multiple, unrelated tasks simultaneously.
When walking, a person need only focus on the ground a short distance in front of them in order to subconsciously plan his next steps. We don't have to look directly at our feet. Our brains process what exists 8 or so feet (depending on your height, I suppose) in front of us and then adjust our walking "plan of action" accordingly. It's especially useful when walking on brick paths or in hiking where you've got rocks, holes, lumps and twigs to contend with.

Dear God,
Thanks for making our brains smart.


At 6/13/2006 8:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I read (while sitting) that women's brains are better suited for subconcious multitasking. The author argued that it's necessary for tending to babies (or cats?) while doing other things. Wonder if that's true. I've seen a woman reading while driving, with a book propped on the steering wheel!

I've fallen more than once while simply jogging, with nothing to distract me, not even an MP3 player. On long runs alone (hours long), it's easy to zone out. I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and roadrashed my hands.


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