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bad news, emily!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Kitty Hole-Punch

Zoe's fondness for paper has become an obsession. Post-It notes are her favorites and she'll carry them around the house and then huddle with them and chew on them. This was a Post-It note that we put on the chair she sleeps on: "Reserved for Zoe". Before I took this picture, she had, almost in one motion, jumped onto the chair, grabbed the Post-It with her teeth and then jumped down off the chair and ran away with it. And there's the "after shot".

For the last month or so she has been waking me up at 5:30am because she's chewing on cardboard, or folders, or paper, or magazines in my room. She's insane.

I get mad, but then she's just so darn cute...


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