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bad news, emily!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

God bless duct tape, tool that I love

On the radio this morning I heard about an article in Forbes magazine about the 20 most important tools, the "devices that have most impacted human civilization and shaped the course of history." While it wasn't on the official list, duct tape is celebrated for being The Other Greatest Tool Ever, as Forbes shares in this article.

The irony of duct tape: professionals say it totally sucks at taping ducts. No joke. It works miracles on everything else, but it can't do the job it was created for. Go figure.

So for those of you who found Jack Bauer's use of duct tape to effectively seal off a room from deadly nerve gas at 7:28pm, eat your words.

Duct tape - it's the stuff of legends.


At 4/05/2006 10:12 AM, Blogger Kristinmichelle said...

How funny that it doesn't do well what it was made for! I will forever remember the guy who was SO PROUD of his Christmas decorating skills and had taken huge strips of Duct tape to hang Christmas lights on his white dorm room walls. Then, he griped about how unclassy his roommate's decorations were!

At 4/05/2006 10:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Last week a Ranger Kid brought in a bible with a duct tape cover. when I saw it and cracked up he said that he also has a duct tape wallet, and he claimed that there's Duct Tape Conventions where people show off the latest duct tape fashions including evening dresses.

At 4/05/2006 11:38 AM, Blogger Ceeece! said...

I need a duct tape wallet to keep my credit card from being used for internet shopping! :)

At 4/05/2006 9:27 PM, Blogger Kristinmichelle said...

Duct tape wallets are so "in" as are the duct tape bibles!! haha. This guy from Topsail would always whip out his...

What?? Someone was shopping online with your credit card! How did I miss that?


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