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bad news, emily!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Buffy & monkeys

I recently visited my friends Krissy & Yurii up in NOVA and received some shocking news. A long-time friend of Krissy's got her hooked on the show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." I thought she was joking when she began to sing its praises, but she was dead serious. (Ha! - pun not intended, but I'll still take credit for it.)
I've probably seen less than 10 episodes in my lifetime and I considered it so cheesy that I felt ashamed to admit that I hadn't stopped at 1. However, that weekend, during the viewing of my 11th episode, I came to understand a fraction of the attraction. The dialogue is corny, but it made me laugh. The perfect example:
The main characters were sitting around trying to decide if they were going to raise someone from the dead that night and the character Anya said, in all seriousness, "But the Discovery Channel has monkeys and our tape machine is wonky."
This is funny for many reasons. There's the obvious, then there's the use of one of my favorite words: wonky.


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