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bad news, emily!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Verb of the Day: To Bogart

Once again, a word that I can't remember ever actually using just popped into my head, this time in a complete sentence. I just finished eating the remaining crumbs of the Nacho Cheese Dorito chips that our boss keeps under her desk. I was starving and so I proceeded to scarf down what was left, despite the fact that I don't even really like Doritos. There just wasn't anything else to eat and I'm not going to be home for another hour or so.
So I'm sitting here, with fake orange cheese residue on my fingers, feeling slightly guilty and I think to myself "I hope she's not gonna be upset that I bogarted her chips."

What does it mean "to bogart" something? Was my usage appropriate? It felt pretty good. It's gotta be a reference to Humphrey Bogart.
So I'm off in search of an explanation.
Here we go...
To bogart: to take more than one's share; hog

So I left a post-it note that says: M- Sorry I bogarted your Doritos. -S
I've now officially used the word and I fully intend to work it into conversations.


At 1/13/2006 11:30 PM, Blogger Kristinmichelle said...

Ahh, I like this new verb!

At 1/16/2006 1:54 PM, Blogger Ceeece! said...

Using the word "Bogart" is SOOOO 90's. You guys must be living under rocks :)

Funny how people's names become verbs or nouns. Benedict Arnold (traitor); Jones'n (to want something very badly)


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