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bad news, emily!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

CrackMice: FOUND!

From my 11/1/05 post:
"We got a pack of 6 and all 4 of the ones we’ve given them so far have disappeared. Completely disappeared, each within a day or two of having given them to the cats. It’s like there’s a black hole out there that the kitties drop them in."

I found that black hole.

I moved my large bookcase and found exactly what you see here (note the markings in the carpet where the bookcase was). The only opening at the base of the bookcase is in the back, so the cats had to have kicked them behind and then under.
Tricksy kittieses.

So there you have it. The CrackMouse Saga comes to an end now that we're moving out of our apartment.
"Good story, good story."


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