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bad news, emily!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Course Evaluations

I have the honor of making xerox copies of course evaluations, and therefore have the opportunity to read some of the comments that students have made about the classes and/or professors. Every semester I come across some really... constructive comments. This semester is no exception. Here's a little sampling (Smith = generic name for privacy reasons, of course):

"Impressed with colored chalk."
"Prof. Smith is the bomb."
"I (heart) Prof. Smith."
"This class sucked."
"Wheres [sic] great shirts."
"Professor Smith is hot."
"Rock on! (smiley face)"
"Yay econ."

"He's got moves like Jackie Chan."
"He rocks my face off."
"She also has an impeccable fashion sense."

Then there's the occasional doodle or drawing of stick figures.
And one was a full-page drawing of a cat with the caption "happy kitty."


At 1/20/2006 5:03 PM, Blogger Ceeece! said...


BTW I can't keep up with your blog anymore. :)

At 1/20/2006 5:03 PM, Blogger Ceeece! said...

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At 1/22/2006 11:27 PM, Blogger Kristinmichelle said...

That is hilarious that someone else actually reads those comments that isn't the department heads...

hehe...you could have read the comments for my professors. When I was in college, you were only a name to me but I thought of you as the really cool girl who moved with Sarah and actually had a real job in Wilson Library!


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