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bad news, emily!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Kidnapping Skillz, Coffee Drinking Skillz...

In her gigantic bag o' tricks my dear friend Super Sarah (1 of 2)
has some mad Kidnapping-(the other)Sarah-From-Work skillz. And I ain't complainin' none. Especially on a slow Friday.
Today I'm getting kidnapped from work for a few hours to go to a coffeeshop to chat, laugh, and hear more about her experiences in Mexico.

Our dialog from Monday...
Me: On Friday you're welcome to kidnap me in a serious way from 8am-5:00pm, so long as you write a ransom note addressed to my boss.
Her: Umm, since today is Talk-Like-a-Pirate day, couldn't I just storm into your office on Friday and say, "Avast, boss-matey, this here's a pirate's-choice rain-check kidnapping, and if ye don't like it then talk to me blade, ARRRRRR!" And then we could run out together to go for coffee and wouldn't have to waste paper writing a kidnapping note.

She's not only sassy but environmentally conscious.


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