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bad news, emily!

Monday, January 30, 2006


I'm sitting here wondering why I've got this strange tingling sensation when I hold my left thumb in a certain position. How could I have strained it? My use of the spacebar isn't particularly violent, so why am I feeling this pain?

Then I remember. I spent a significant amount of time this weekend playing Fuzion Frenzy with Krissy, Yurii & Linton.
It was really fun but really challenging for someone who averages about one video game a year and doesn't have the necessary XBox controller muscles. My left thumb had been cramping from the intensity with which I was trying to steer my character's body, tank, boat, jackhammer, cage ball, etc. out of harm's way, or simply to keep it from unintentionally falling off the edge even when no one else was around.

I think it's a great game because it's got so much variety. It's also a horrible game if you have low self-esteem. Because I lost almost every game in every round, I was assaulted by the other characters' tauntings of "What? Did you lose again?" and other lines that I can't remember now but was sure would haunt my dreams.

I gotta work on my moves.


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